Friday, 30 March 2012

I've been busy

Lately, I have had lots of time to be creative with my jewelry supplies and have decided to start a small shop on While I'm figuring out some logistics and increasing my stock of finished products I thought I'd provide a small sneak peek into what's coming.

Friday, 2 March 2012

I haven't been as unproductive as my blog would have it these days, not long ago I made this food tray by painting a tray white and using napkins to decorate the surface by using decoupage glue.

 I haven't posted any of the christmas presents I made last year, so here follows those I remembered to photograph before I gave them away.

A cowl that actually got lost in the mail :(  The recipie I found here and adjusted a bit to my taste
Another cowl
A jacket I made for my niece, the recipie I found here
Squirrel with Baby - Childrens Wood Puzzle Game - New Toy - Hand Made - Child SafeElephant With Calf - Childrens Wood Puzzle Game - New Toy - Hand-Made - Child-Safe

These two sweeties I did not make myself, how cool would that have been.... But mister Chuck Barker does make them and sell these and other puzzles in his Etsy shop. I'm hoping my nephew enjoys them, if he doesn't play with them I'm sure they make a great decore for his room :)

At the moment I'm working on some new jewlery designs, just waiting on those last packages with supplies to arrive....